Once again I was off for a week to Viaduct to spend 6 days match fishing and 6 nights eating and drinking. Eleven of us made it this year, in my lodge was Glenn Bailey, Mark Woodington, Gary Bowden, Geoff Francis and old father time himself Mike Nicholls. In the other lodge it was Mark Tanner, Gordon Cannings, Chris Ollis, Lee Massey and Martin Rayet. I had put new elastics in my power top sets, made some rigs, tied hook lengths and hair rigs and even cleaned my box. I felt pretty prepared and it was a delight to load my gear into the van, with room to spare for my clothes bag, food and drinks.

Set off Saturday morning to meet up with the rest of the lads for the first match, 13m max pole only on Campbell lake. I didn't really know where I wanted to draw as I had not been keeping an eye on recent weights and pegs, but when I was handed 124 I wasn't sure this was great but I thought it used to be good for silvers. I went for a set up of silvers and carp and see how things went to decide what to then stick with. A 4x12 F1 pellet with 16 GPM to 0.11 for fishing for silvers at top set plus 3 sections, a deep hard pellet rig with 0.17 to 16 KKM-B, a shallow rig and a paste rig all for 13m limit, at least that was the idea. My neighbours were Chris Ollis on 123 and Mike Nicholls on 125, Chris was going for carp whilst Mike silvers.
I began on the silvers line feeding some micro and corn, and shook some 6mm pellets out at 13m. It wasn't long before fizzing began on the silvers line, but no matter what I did or put on the hook I struggled to get a bite, and when I did get a bite I did not connect. Mike and his neighbour Stu White were both fishing for silvers and not really setting the world on fire at this stage. I moved out to 13m with an 8mm pellet in the band, I had fed a few times with the catty and again there were signs of fish in the swim. I still could not get a fish though I did foul and lose a couple. I tried shallow as I could see Joe McMahon on 118 catching shallow, this brought me one bite which pulled the elastic out, but again it was fouled and off it went taking rig and new elastic, bugger! I think it was about 90 mins in when I managed to catch a 4oz skimmer to break the blank. three hours in and nothing was happening for me, and with Chris having a couple of carp I needed to change as there were carp in the peg but I was not attracting them to the hookbait. On with paste and a change of feeding with a pot to try to get them down. First drop in and a bite, I struck and heard a crack, the 11.5m section of my pole had broken where it goes into the 10m section (an old slight damage come back to haunt me). It was easy to feel very down at this stage, not much in the nets, lost an elastic and now limited to fishing 10m for the rest of the holiday, but I carried on. Started again at 10m with paste and for the last 2 hours I had some fish in the peg at times, I was fouling more than I was landing, very frustrating, but I just couldn't see what more I could do.
I ended the match with 61lb 13oz which surprisingly beat half of the field but was 30lb off section money. The lake had fished hard, with Glenn winning when he had a good run on the paste in the last 90 mins.
1st Glenn Bailey 137lb peg 127
2nd Martin McMahon 127lb peg 121
3rd Gordon Cannings 98lb peg 119
Silvers 1st Stu White 40lb, 2nd Mike 25lb
Had a great night in the pub, though I was not to enamoured with my meal, think the fist night excitement led to a few to many pints, though I was lightweight and missed a couple, but my room mate Glenn decided to sleep on the couch rather than the bed due to an upset stomach... lol.
Day 2 Open match Lodge Lake
Up bright and earlyish and the sun was shining and it was going to be a hot one! I had some breakfast and then got stuck in the trolley queue.
Matt Long was doing the draw for us and pulled out peg 66 for me, yippee I have never drawn this peg before and finally got to fish it! In a complete reverse of last time on the holiday Woody was opposite me on 64, so we had swapped pegs, last time I came 2nd on 64 beaten by peg 53. I got set up and didn't see any point of silver rigs, so today there was a meat rig for the bush on my right, a hard pellet rig for out at 10 metres, and a hard pellet rig for the margins to my left.
Margin left looked like this.
As you may notice there was a lot of willow fluff on the water, and this was to follow me around at times this week, today at times I could not get the bait / rig to get through it.
I started short by the bush on my right with meat looking for an early carp, I did foul hook one briefly but other than that just had a roach and 2 skimmers. Went out to the 10m in front line where I was taking things easy with the feed, just toss potting 6mm pellets in after an initial small pot. I was more than happy to get 2 carp in my first two drops, hooked in the mouth and landed! However, it took me a while to get the next bite and carp but I was happy with my start whilst I primed the margin. Woody opposite was loosing a fair few carp on his paste rig, and when he did land one it was a fish of 1 to 2lb.
Things had remained quiet but then it seemed the wind changed slightly and I saw a few carp moving around for the first time, one carp was close enough to try to mug and I plopped my deep rig at it, nailed it, nice fish at about 11lb I reckoned. I had some more bites out in front, from fish in the 2lb to 3lb bracket and a couple of 6lb fish. Halfway through I had to look in the margin and I went down to the tree in the edge about 7m away. Fish were there, but they were these small ones, and even on 19 hollo they would shoot off towards the snags, and if fouled they got there. I took a few fish but had too many losses and realised I had made a mistake. I came back closer and refed, whilst also feeding by the spiky grass at a top set. A quick look out long again yielded one fouler which took me everywhere, and when I finally got it to the net the hook pulled.
My new margin lines were much slower than by the tree, but I was getting them out but pulling damn hard on my margin pole, I only had one carp by the spiky grass. I rested the margin as it was going away from me in the last hour, I tried the meat again by the bush and managed to snare one carp from here, others were there after, but not taking my bait. It was a roasting hot day and when all out was called I was quite pleased to take a long drink. All day long I had two pleasure anglers behind me fishing on Carey, and they had this contraption like a chimneysweep brush that they pushed out with their rig and feed on before tipping it all in. Amazing thing, went out about 30m.
Bankside banter was that I had done well with the number of carp I had, but Gary Bowden over on peg 61 had a good last 90 minutes on paste having some large carp, and in the end Gary won bith carp and silvers!
1st Gary 109lb
2nd Me 96lb 13oz
Silvers Gary 15lb 1oz.

We had a Sunday lunch delivered to us today, and unfortunately for me something in the meal disagreed with me, I had severe stomach cramps all evening and was unable to finish my drinks. I went to bed hoping the pain would subside, which it did a little, but I was to suffer a little from this for a couple of days.
Day 3 Residents match on Match Lake
Last year I won this match on peg 42, and I predicted that it would win the match again today, so I hoped I would draw it, but that honour went to Woody. I got peg 50 on the far side and was not so sure this could compete having Martin Reyatt on 49 and Glenn on 51, but Steve Long thought I might get a few on the pellet wag / lead to the island, I set both of these up. I also set up a 4x12 rig for fishing hard pellet at 10 metres (lol) and a 4x10 for pellet in the RH margin under the cover of a tree.
I began the match fishing the 10m line, just toss potting in 4mm and 6mm pellets, and I was soon rewarded with a bite and a 2lb F1. Glenn was already into a carp on the paste. I had a lovely first hour and a bit catching on mainly 8mm pellet, mainly F1's with a couple of carp, when this really stopped after 2 hours I had 40lb, meanwhile Martin was on 1 or 2 fish and Glenn was also struggling. Onto the pellet wag which I had fed from the off, and had seen odd fish over there, I hooked 2 lost a fouler, landed a fouler, but the willow fluff had settled infront of me and the waggler could not be cast out. I tried the lead instead and had one on this but again the willow fluff did for me.
I really struggled through the middle of the match, but other than Woody on 42 the lake was fishing fairly hard, I just needed to get some fish late. Luckily for me I did get 4 decent carp from the margin line, and also got some more F1's on a new line at top set plus two on 8mm pellet. A good start and good end today and I was sure I was going to frame..
1st Woody 105lb 7oz peg 42
2nd Me 103lb 8oz peg 50
Silvers winner Mike Nicholls 21lb 9oz peg 43
That was a satisfying match, the win was there for sure had the willow fluff not prevented me fishing to the island. We retired to the Indian restaurant where I went for a safe chicken tikka to look after the old bowels, also stuck to red wine instead of cider and the combination worked for me. The red wine went down far too well actually, lol.
Day 4 Avalon Fishery open match
A scenic drive to Avalon and was pleased to find we were on the road bank, Vic Bush has continued to invest in the fishery with new road, parking bays, fencing etc. I got drawn peg 33 which has a little island on it and a couple of trees on the margin bank.

Clearly fish were spawning here and my peg in particular had lots of them, bubbles everywhere and I was feeling confident that some of these fish were feeding, I couldn't wait to start. I set up a paste rig for 10 metres, a paste rig for the LH margin, a pellet wag and straight lead for the island. On the all in myself and Gary Bowden went out on the paste, we had the same result, not a sign of a fish at all! Glenn down on 30 was also without fish on paste and was soon landing a carp on the pellet waggler. I picked up the waggler, and I should mention that this set up had been lent to me by Gary after mine was trashed the day before. I was soon had a carp in the net, and not long after had another. Gary was now thinking he had made a mistake lol!
Sadly my day went downhill after the first hour, my bites dwindled on the waggler and if I did hook a bite it was fouled, in fact I landed a common I reckon was close to 12lb hooked in the tail, it took some getting out mind! I went for a quick walk, Chris Ollis on my left had 1 skimmer, then Martin had 1 carp, and Woody had 5 on the lead. I went back and chucked the lead out, after a while I had a pull round and landed a little carp. I had a wait then another pull round but this was fouled and came off. Hooked two more that I am convinced were in the mouth but just came off reeling in. Then the best of the lot, I hooked a good carp and it found a snag solid, but if I let the line go slack it swam off, reel in and eventually solid. Something was preventing the carp from getting this side of the snag, and I pulled hard an lost the lot. The reel line was badly damaged and I had to cut a fait bit off.
Back on the pellet wag and had one out, lost a fouler, and then one went and found the same snag and I had the same result, losing the waggler and lots of damaged line. I set it up and tried again but failed to get any more carp. Into the LH margin and the float buried on the paste I pulled hard and the fish came off. A 15 minute wait and another, but this went through something and the 0.21 line parted not to far below the float. I never hooked another but was sure they were there, but did get a skimmer. I fished on after the whistle determined to get a fish out of the margin, 5 mins later got one on, and out of the den I was sure, then all went solid and fish gone, my hook was in some string. Not the best of days by any means and my 32lb was nowhere, mind you I beat my neighbours lol.
1st Lee Massey 75lb peg 40 carp on the lead
2nd Glenn 73lb 4oz
3rd Woody 67lb 11oz peg 38
Silvers winner Chris Ollis 7lb 4oz
Day 5 Short Pole match Campbell
I woke up feeling good, and anyway why wouldn't you with a view from your bedroom window like this...
This match as ever is limited to top set plus 3 sections, usually a peg with some room is what you need to do well, peg 112 for me and with 113 left out I was quite happy with this peg. I had Glenn on 114 and young Ryan Jordan on 111.
After my last nightmare on this lake I was hoping to redeem myself, and was really hoping to avoid the foulers!!!! I decided on two rigs for top set plus two, a deep pellet and paste rig, for the margins either side I had rigs for fishing pellet one side and corn the other, seeing if either was better.
I had a very slow start on the pellet rig with just the odd small skimmer, Glenn was struggling on his paste line and looking around it seemed slow for most. I did get a couple of carp on hard pellet and that inevitably moved the few skimmers out, and with Ryan getting plenty of skimmers I knew I had to concentrate on the carp for the rest of the match. On Saturday the corners of this lake seemed devoid of carp, but today it was the opposite, and Dave Wilmott in 119, Woody on 123 were catching well, Paul Faires on 132 was also catching steady, the other corner peg 110 was occupied by Dave Haines who was concentrating on his silvers. It seemed that unless I could get a great run of fish together the section money was my best hope. I think it was around mid match that that I switched over to paste on the long line, even though Paste Master Glenn only had 1 or 2 carp but a fair few skimmers. A bit like Saturday I thought this was my best way of getting less foulers. Well it started OK, fish came to the feed, visible blows and fizzes, had to wait for a bite, and sometimes I would get liners as carp came in but no bite, but I would get the occasional fly under bite. Sadly hitting these "fly unders" was not easy as some were not bites. Frustrating as hell when you hook up on one and think you've got it in the mouth only for a few seconds later the carp swimming off to the middle of the lake at 50mph.
After the previous day where I landed a large carp hooked in the tail on the wag I had another epic battle when a large common was hooked in the same place. Quite how everything stayed intact was amazing, but 0.17 powerline and the size 12 XSH held firm! Then the little bugger went under the platform, via the side, I slackened off but it wouldn't come out and it had found a snag, gave a little tug and it moved a bit but still wouldn't come out, I couldn't pass the top set under the platform as it is too wide. But then a bit of luck it swam out of the front of the platform under my nets and I could pass the topset through and under a net, not as easy as it sounds though. After more faffing, pulling hard I got it out, phew! The fouling became worse and I decided to come off this line and concentrate on the margins. First look in the left on double corn and a tench, then hooked a carp but came back with a scale. The right margin was no good, back in the left and had a good double here, then straight away hooked another, this swam out nicely but then it was off. The hooklength had parted and I can only think it swam through a snag. I stayed in the margin far too long for nothing, but in the end decided I had to go back on the paste. It was a good move as I had a few more carp landing one as the match ended.
1st Dave Wilmott 235lb 5oz peg 119
2nd Woody 226lb 4oz peg 123
3rd Paul Faires 119lb 1oz peg 131
Silvers was won by Ryan with 32lb 4oz of skimmers, and Glenn got 2nd with 26lb 2oz.
I weighed in 117lb 6oz for 4th place and another "just beaten" weight, but I did get the section money so happy days.
Most of the talk on the evening was of our ace carp slayer Martin Rayet, poor old Martin was having a right bad time of it, with not one brown envelope so far on holiday, and more chip shop sausages than Harry Ramsdens. In fact Lee Massey suggested Martins excellent "MR" floats should be rebranded to "HR" PMSL. Anyway Martin said he would give away his gear if he got battered tomorrow.
Day 6 Todber Manor Homeground Lake
This was the match where it was said that everyone would catch 100lb minimum, and the best peg in the solar system 90 was where it should be won from one, heard it all before but this place is a bit special. I lead the way from Viaduct to Todber, and was soon in need of the google map directions as the A303 was closed, going down the same roads as everyone else I came to a grinding halt in a big queue, a quick discussion and off down another smaller road and at least we were moving. Tony Rixon was fishing this match so I rang him to advise we would all be late. Everyone managed to get to the fishery and we said let's fish 11:30 to 17:30. I pulled out peg 88, and the famed peg 90 went to Mr Reyatt, well it just had to happen didn't it!
My peg I was told could be good for shallow fishing and for the method feeder, but Martin had coached us all on his short pole approach and I was going to start and focus on this, I did take the method feeder rod to the peg but it was kept in the bag to start. I set up a 4x14 rig for fishing top set plus one infront with hard pellet, and a rig for the margin for fishing meat over meat and gbait. On my left Geoff Francis had a nice corner margin with fish already in there, on my right was Mike Nicholls and next to him Glenn, basically those three were all fishing paste so I hoped I could catch faster than them.
When the match started most people started short, Glenn fished a bit further out and was quickly landing small carp, Mike getting odd ones, me struggling a tad to convert bites into fish. Martin was also having a slow start. After an hour I had 20lb on the clicker, for here that's poor, I went a section further out but this didn't help and things got worse for me as I watched all the paste heads catching. Since 30 mins into the match I had a nagging thought "get on the method", and 90 mins in I got off my box and got the rod out. I quickly soaked some Sonubait 2mm stiki pellets, and with my already mixed Thatchers green groundbait mixed these 50/50. A couple of casts to get the range and clip up, then on with a 6mm pellet and first cast carp, second cast carp, third cast carp. I then had a few non fish casts, so tried a bandum, nothing on this, so I cut off the band and put two dead red maggots on the hook, that was better. You can see the island I was casting too, I was chucking it to the left hand edge, not far from where that duck is standing lol.

Basically for the rest of the match I bagged up on the feeder, and as it went on the carp would be straight on the feeder as it landed showing themselves like piranhas! It was quite amazing to see, I've never seen anything like it before, Geoff was simply staggered by the sight. I had most bites within 10 seconds of the feeder landing, and sometimes I never needed to look at the rod tip as an explosion in the water by the island told me a carp was hooked. I also worked out that if I had not had a bite after 30 seconds I had to reel in and cast again. I got through a fair bit of bait like this, and when the match finished I had 5 keepnets in and arms were a little weaker than when I started. I was convinced that Mike and Glenn had both beaten me after I had given them a head start, but there was only going to be one winner..... drum roll please.
1st Martin Rayet 384lb peg 90 What a bloody weight!
2nd Mike Nicholls 275lb 14oz
3rd Me 257lb 14oz
There was no silvers prize today so sections went to Glenn 252lb and Gary Bowden 235lb.
Geoff had his biggest weight ever at 160lb and thoroughly enjoyed his day out, some were enjoying less feeling too busy. Myself I loved it as something different, my biggest weight ever on rod and line and like any match angler I still had to try and find ways to catch faster and bigger fish.
On a personal note as this is a holiday I am never over concerned with my "winnings" but I aim if possible to get my pools money back, I managed this and a little bit more, with 4 pick ups out of 6 so really happy. I only got beat off the next peg once, by the old silver fox Mike on Todber, so again I was happy with that. The holiday is literally a laugh a minute, and the matches though fished hard by all are full of banter. It was of course a week made even better by the lovely weather, where did that now go, lol.
I still have another blog to do, as on Sunday I fished an open on the KSD as practice for the superleague, it was a bit grim.